Hades 2 Wiki and Guides
Good luck killing Time

Well of Charon

From Hades 2 Wiki and Guides
Well of Charon.png

Well of Charon is an interactive shop, a branch of CodexPortrait Charon.pngCharon's shop where you can buy temporary buffs and Items in exchange for Currency.pngGolden Crowns

Well of Charon are unlocked via the Rise of Stygian Wells Incantation and will appear randomly in Chambers. They can only be accessed after the Encounter is complete. The Surge of Stygian Wells Incantation will add Well of Charon to the area between Underworld Regions.

On the Surface, you will instead encounter Shrine of Hermes.pngShrine of Hermes (unlocked with the Rush of Fresh Air Incantation).

The chance for a Well of Charon to spawn varies from Region to Region, see Spawning for details.

Well of Charon Wares[edit | edit source]

Full list of Well of Charon Wares. 3 Random options will be chosen upon accessing Well of Charon. The Well will never contain more than one Health.pngHealth-affecting item at a time (including the Price of Midas, Centaur Soul and Kiss of Styx)

Icon Item Description Price Duration
Archaic Seal.png Archaic Seal Your next Well of Charon item with a duration will instead expire after 2 Guardian(s). 90 Golden Crowns.png Until next Well of Charon purchase with a duration
Braids of Atlas.png Braids of Atlas Your Casts deal +35% damage. 30 Golden Crowns.png 5 Encounters
Centaur Soul.png Centaur Soul Gain +25 Max Health.pngMax Health now (without restoring Health.pngHealth).
20% as likely as other items
110 Golden Crowns.png Instant
Chimaera Jerky.png Chimaera Jerky Your Specials deal +40% damage. 35 Golden Crowns.png 5 Encounters
Dust Parcel.png Dust Parcel Gain 6-12 Ashes.pngAshes now. 30-60 Golden Crowns.png Instant
Exhumed Remains.png Exhumed Remains Gain 20-40 Bones.pngBones now. 40-80 Golden Crowns.png Instant
Expiring Deal.png Expiring Deal Ensure any goods offered by Charon cost -30% less. 80 Golden Crowns.png 6 Encounters
Faint Flicker.png Faint Flicker Gain 11-22 Psyche.pngPsyche now. 33-66 Golden Crowns.png Instant
Fateful Twist.png Fateful Twist Gain a random item offered from the Well of Charon now. 45 Golden Crowns.png Instant
Gaia's Gift.png Gaia's Gift Gain +2 Mystery Seeds.pngMystery Seeds now. 30 Golden Crowns.png Instant
HydraLite.png HydraLite Restore 10% Health.pngHealth whenever you enter a Location. 45 Golden Crowns.png 3 Encounters
Ignited Ichor.png Ignited Ichor You move +20% faster. 10 Golden Crowns.png 8 Encounters
Kiss of Styx.png Kiss of Styx Replenish 1 use of Death Defiance.pngDeath Defiance now.
Twice as likely as other items; only appears if needed
200 Golden Crowns.png Instant
Life Essence.png Life Essence Restore 21-39% Health.pngHealth now.
Twice as likely as other items
21-39 Golden Crowns.png Instant
Preserved Hope.png Preserved Hope After the duration, restore 50%Health.pngHealth 50 Golden Crowns.png 4 Encounters
Price of Midas.png Price of Midas Gain 11-54Currency.pngGolden Crowns now (for a blood price).
20% as likely as other items
10-30 Health.pngHealth Instant
Python Scales.png Python Scales You take -10% damage. 30 Golden Crowns.png 5 Encounters
Spark of Ixion.png Spark of Ixion Ensure a Chaos Gate spawns ahead as soon as possible. It costs 0Health.pngHealth to enter. 55 Golden Crowns.png Until Spawn
Witch's Mark.png Witch's Mark Your Ω Moves deal +50% damage. 45 Golden Crowns.png 6 Encounters
Yarn of Ariadne.png Yarn of Ariadne Ensure the next Boon you find has upgraded Rarity. 70 Golden Crowns.png Until next Boon

Spawning[edit | edit source]

A Well of Charon cannot spawn in a regular Location if there was one in the last 4 Chambers (this does not affect post-Boss Wells)

The chance of a Well of Charon.pngWell of Charon spawning differs for each Region:

  • Erebus: 25%
  • Oceanus: 30%
  • Fields: 35%
  • Tartarus: 8%

A Well of Charon will show up in the post-Boss Fountain Chamber once you have completed the Surge of Stygian Wells Incantation. It cannot be accessed until after the Fountain is used.

On the Surface, you will instead encounter Shrine of Hermes.pngShrine of Hermes.

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