Hades 2 Wiki and Guides
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Hecate Boss Guide

From Hades 2 Wiki and Guides

CodexPortrait Hecate.pngHecate is the first Boss fight in the Hades II which takes place after completing Erebus. As Melinoë's Headmistress she have to make sure that Melinoë is ready for the oncoming challenges and can put up a good fight.

Hecate Moveset[edit | edit source]

Hecate have variety of moves that may feel chaotic, but actually their pattern can be easily learned and evaded as you will get more familiar with the Boss fight.

Crossed Flames[edit | edit source]

Hecate conjures an expanding magic circle (similar to Melinoe's Cast) that retracts once it reaches its maximum size.

Hecate will always start the battle by using Crossed Flames, which is the expanding magic circle that deals continuous damage.

The maximum range of Crossed Flames is similar to the max range of Witch's Staff's Special, which means you can just stay away and fire your Specials while Hecate casts Crossed Flame or use other ranged attacks.

Crossed Flames can be dashed through to avoid the damage and keep hitting with weapons lacking range.

Umbral Flames[edit | edit source]

Hecate swings her Torch in an arc and launches an arc projectile, followed up by another one.

Those moves are easy to notice, so there shouldn't be a major issue avoiding this move. It is possible to dodge sideway to avoid it or dodge through it to do extra damage to Hecate while she is casting Umbral Flames. Just keep in mind that those come in series of 2 casts, so don't be caught by the second wave.

She can also use the double version in her first phase and that version doesn't have a follow up.

Later on in your battle, Hecate will also start attacking using enhanced versions of Umbral Flames, the first being two Arches at the same time, and the other being a barrage of arches that return to her after a short while. This can be exploited if positioned properly do deal extra damage to Hecate while she is casting them.

All umbral flames (1,2 combo, two hits at once, and triple rapidfire) attacks can happen at any point during the battle, but the triple rapidfire definitely is more common in phases 2 and 3.

Triple Divide[edit | edit source]

Hecate creates two clones that mimic her real body's Attacks. Can attack with Arc Attacks, Sphere Projectiles, or Expanding Magic Circles, depending on how low Hecate's HP is.

It is possible to damage Hecate during this move if you will manage to find the real one using the ranged attacks. Holding an attack right before Hecate conjures the clones will always point your attack towards the main body, so keep this in mind to save time identifying the main body from the clones.

You can also audio clue (if wearing headphones, voiceline comes from the real one). And you can also distinct the real Hecate by being the first one to attack. Also sometimes the real Hecate will run towards you, and Aphrodite Boons.pngAphrodite's gain boon always puts weak on the real Hecate.

Sisters of the Dead[edit | edit source]

Hecate summons several Witches that launch projectiles. While the Witches are alive, Hecate is invulnerable, and will continuously cast magic circles at Melinoë's last position.

This Move triggers 2 times per fight, when Hecate loses approximately 33% and 66% health.

Focus on avoiding enemy attacks and taking out the Witches. They have low health and can be easily defeated, the main problem is that you will have to keep moving to avoid taking damage from the Magic Damage Zones that Hecate throws at you.

You can use Trees for environmental damage that oneshot the nearby Witches. You can also headbash the trees in the Sheep form to kill the Witches.

Hera Boons.pngHera's cast boon instantly kills the witches when they spawn as well.

Hex[edit | edit source]

Hecate launches a fast moving bouncing sphere that will constantly follow Melinoe. Getting hit by the sphere turns Melinoe into a Sheep, disabling attacks and limiting movement. Hex lasts for approximately 13 seconds.

In a hexed state, Melinoë's movement is slowed, and her attacks are limited to headbutts, which puts you in an awkward position. Since the Hex lasts for approximately 13 Seconds, focus on dodging Hecate's attacks during this time. You can also headbash the trees in the Sheep form to kill the Witches.

It's extremely hard to avoid, but if you get Cursed and turned into Sheep make use of dodge move to avoid Damage Zones.

Frinos Familiar can take a Hex shot on him as well, preventing you from being turned into Sheep. If you do not have Frinos try torepeatedly dash throguh the Hex projectile to avoid it.

Hecate Tactics[edit | edit source]

Overall Hecate isn't that hard once you will learn her moveset. Depending on the Nocturnal Arms that Melinoë is using tactics might differ a bit. While Hecate opens up with a Crossed Flames you can land a couple of ranged hits. After that she will continue to the Umbral Flames, where you can dodge though a second projectile to do some melee damage to her.

Be careful not to get carried away and keep distance to Hecate after landing few melee hits if you still don't recognize her moves. Playing it safe and slow is better than taking too much damage or even failing the boss fight.

Once Hecate will move to a Triple Divide try to stay away and find a spot on the battlefield where you will be out of reach from her Arc Attacks (that version usually comes first). If you feel bold enough, try to land few ranged attacks on her and guess where the real Hecate is.

When she is done with the move the clones will disappear and real Hecate will run towards you to use Umbral Flames or other attacks. This is a perfect opportunity to meet her with powerful Omega move to do extra damage

Rince and repeat until Hecate will teleport to the middle of the area and put the shield up (It will happen when she will lose ~33% HP). It's time for the Sisters of the Dead. Start Sprinting, avoiding the explosive magic circles and take out her minion Witches in the process. Be mindful of their projectiles as well and don't be greedy. It's better to do 1 safe hit than take extra damage. You can use trees to do environmental damage as well if needed.

Now its the same fight as before, but Hecate might use Triple Divide with Sphere Projectiles, that are a bit trickier to avoid. Just run away to the edge of the screen, find an opening between the spheres or just dash through them to the safe area.

After another 33% HP Hecate will shield up again and cast Hex on you, with a fast homing projectile, that it extremely hard to avoid. Do not worry, if you are turned into sheep just focus on evading damage and dash away from the danger. You can use Frinos to take the Hex shot and prevent you from turning into Sheep. Dash cooldown will cover Hecate's Magic Circle attack speed and you will be safe. Just mind the summoned Witches. After you are back to your normal self, take out the Witches and focus on Hecate once again.

This time Hecate gets really angry and amplify her Umbral Flames attack will multiple projectiles, that will come back once they reach max range. This might fell hard to overcome, but with practice it can be used to your advantage and open a huge attack opportunity window. When Hecate starts using this skill sprint sideways to her at the medium distance and then dash to/behind her when she is done with the combo. While projectiles are flying back to Hecate she is vulnerable to attacks and can't do much, so dish out as much damage as you can. Just remember not to get greedy, since when her move will end, she might hit you with another one if you aren't careful enough.

Witch's Staff vs. Hecate Tips[edit | edit source]

Witch's Staff.pngWitch's Staff is a great weapon against Hecate. It will allow to do damage to her using ranged Special attack, while staying at range to avoid unnecessary risks and damage.

Main Attacks are useful as well, and since they have some medium range it will give you time to react to Hecate's attacks before they will hit you.

Upgrading Specials on the way to Hecate will make this fight easier by relying on Specials spam, but it will be slower and not so fun.

Sister Blades vs. Hecate Tips[edit | edit source]

Hecate fight using Sister Blades.pngSister Blades might be challenging for the players who do not know her moveset. The fact that Attacks are close range and Specials do not do that much damage might cause some issues, but Omega Attack will be very valuable in this fight to teleport behind Hecate.

With Sister Blades you will have to be mindful on the openings between Hecate skills and dont be greedy. The best time to attack is while Hecate is casting Umbral Flames, dodging the second projectile right to Hecate or using charged Omega Attack right after Hecate launched second projectile.

You can use Special attacks to do some extra damage during other phases, but getting close during other moves is very risky unless you are absolutely sure what are you doing.

Umbral Flames vs. Hecate Tips[edit | edit source]

Umbral Flames.pngUmbral Flames might not be the most devastating weapon, but it's a pretty good against Hecate Boss. Normal attacks can do decent damage from the range and Specials can help to get rid of Witches during the Sisters of the Dead phase.

Stay at range at all times, use Attacks and Omega channeling Attacks to do damage to Hecate while avoiding her moves. Be careful and don't be greedy. If your Magick.pngMagick regeneration isn't great save some of it for the second or third stage, where Hecate's attacks gets more aggressive.

During the Sisters of the Dead phase while running around evading the magic circles spam normal Special, that will leave circling orbs behind you to damage the Witches if you can't use the normal Attacks (Omega Channeling won't do, since it slows you down too much)

Moonstone Axe vs. Hecate Tips[edit | edit source]

Moonstone Axe.pngMoonstone Axe tips are TBA

Argent Skull vs. Hecate Tips[edit | edit source]

Argent Skull Art.pngArgent Skull tips are TBA

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