Hades 2 Wiki and Guides
Good luck killing Time

Anvil of Fate

From Hades 2 Wiki and Guides
Anvil of Fate.png

Anvil of Fate is an Artifact that is only available at Charon's Shop in Tartarus. It costs 650 Currency.pngGolden Crowns and can only be purchased if the player already has at least 1 Daedalus Hammer.pngDaedalus Hammer.

When purchased, Melinoë loses 1 random Daedalus Hammer upgrade that she currently has, and then gains 2 random, different Daedalus Hammer upgrades. The player does not get any input in this process: both the lost and gained upgrades are entirely random (although you cannot gain the upgrade that you lost).

Purchase with care! This item can ruin a build by assigning unwanted Daedalus Hammers that disable Ω Moves, etc..

Trivia[edit | edit source]

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